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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Rant #3,132: Welcome To My Nightmare

I am back at my usual perch after taking yesterday off tending to my wife and her early doctor’s visit.

Everything went pretty well.

Her skull is healing … she is still under numerous restrictions, including no gym, no driving and no alcohol … and she has to go through more tests, including a CAT scan which she will take tomorrow.

I think that if she bides her time, my wife will be OK and will come out of this as good as new, but being that it involves her skull, it is something that has to be dealt with in increments … meaning that it will take a few months before she is as good as can be.

Workman’s comp is another matter.

Her workplace is fighting her tooth and nail and on this, and I kind of knew that this was going to happen when I brought the paperwork to them.

I gave the paperwork to the manager, and he never asked how my wife was doing. He was pretty stoic even having lost one of this best workers, someone who had been there since the store opened.

And then, my wife saw that they only paid her for a half day on the day of the accident, and did not pay her for the following day at all—her regular workday—so we kind of know who we are dealing with here.

Let the process proceed, but early indications are that we are in for a fight with them, and if that ends up being true, we will fight back.

That is all I am going to say on the matter right now, other than happily, my wife is getting better by the day.

I am holding up through all of this, but I did have a bad night last night, having one nightmare after the other while I tried to sleep.

I don’t remember much about the nightmares—one had to do with my car being stolen, which is a nightmare I have had probably a dozen times in recent years—but I somehow got through the nightmares even though I didn’t sleep too much.

What caused me to have the nightmares is a good question, but hopefully, I had my fill of such horrid dreams and can have a good sleep tonight.

The car nightmare might just have been provoked by something that actually happened about two weeks ago on a Friday night.

My son and I had just arrived home from his basketball night on that Friday night, and it was well past 9 p.m. when I got up from the couch as we were watching wrestling on TV and I just happened to take a peak out the window.

My car was parked where it is always parked—right in front of the house--but I noticed that another car was parked just opposite it, with its headlights pointing squarely on my car.

It dawned on me that the lights were pointed directly on my car to use as a light for some crooks to possibly steal my catalytic converter, so I kept on going to the window, wanting these potential thieves to see what was going on, that I saw them, and what they were planning to do, even before they started the process.

As you probably know, theft of catalytic converters have become big business in my neck of the woods because the metals in the converters are valuable on the black market.

So erring on the side for caution, I kept going back to the window, and lo and behold, after a couple of minutes, the car in question pulled away in such a huff that you just know that my car had been chosen for their larceny.

I could kick myself for not getting their license plate or the make and model of their car, but when I saw this transpiring, the only thought in my mind was to protect my own car, and nothing else.

Happily, that was the extent of it, but I guess the incident has put my car on my mind, and thus, I had another dream about the car being stolen.

But anyway, my wife is getting better each and every day, and it is just a matter of time before she is back to where she should be.

Consequently, our Mother’s Day was a bit subdued, but it was still nice.

My wife was not up to going to a restaurant, so I ordered from two restaurants, one on Saturday and one on Sunday, so we had better meals those days than the usual fast food stuff we get on the weekend.

My mother was there with us on Saturday evening, and she was going to celebrate Mother’s Day with my sister’s family on Sunday, so she was all covered for the holiday.

I hope you had a good Mother’s Day, and hopefully, by Mother’s Day 2024, my wife will put this real nightmare behind her and be able to move on from it.

It’s one thing when you have a nightmare in your sleep that goes away when you wake up, and it’s another thing when you have a real nightmare that doesn’t go away so easily.

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