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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Rant #3,129:Bits and Pieces

OK, it is due time for another “Bits and Pieces” entry, where we go over a few stories that don’t demand a full Rant to get through.

So without further ado, here is today’s “Bits and Pieces” entry:

Trump Found Liable For Sexually Abusing, Defaming Woman: Let me get this straight … I thought this was a trial about rape, about something ungodly that supposedly happened between the future President and this supposed journalist 30 years ago.

The journalist accused the future President of sexually attacking her in the backroom of a store all those decades ago, but she could not convince the jury that he actually raped her, which to me, seemed to be the end of the story right then and there.

So exactly what did the younger Trump do to this woman that led to her convincing the jury that she was sexually abused if they found that no rape was committed?

I can almost understand the defaming portion of this, because the older Trump went after this woman whole hog, calling her just about every name in the book to show that she was nothing but a gold-digger.

But by the jury’s decision, isn’t that just what she is?

She walked out of the court beaming,m, even though the main charge brought against Trump was thrown out ... but she got her money, and in today's world, I guess that means that she has triumphed.

I am not defending Trump at all … but I do not understand what actions he perpetrated on her to get a sexual abuse conviction if he did not rape her.

Don’t they literally go hand in hand?

And yes she made plenty of money off of this verdict; from what I heard, she will get $5 million from Trump … and if she wasn’t raped, why is she getting the bulk of this money from sexual abuse?

Again, what did Trump do to her if she was sexually abused but not sexually attacked?

Trump damned himself with that ridiculous video deposition, where he made himself look so idiotic with his replies to questions surrounding this woman and the supposed incident … basically, “Trump convicted Trump” with his arrogance … but I still want to know what he did to warrant such a verdict.

His lawyers will certainly appeal this verdict, but he won’t win, and some people—women and men—love this guy so much that it won’t matter anyway.

The Republicans are trying to distance themselves from their presumptive candidate for President in 2024, but the Democrats shouldn’t be snickering … their own former President, Bill Clinton paid off several women before any similar trials were to begin.

Rep. George Santos Charged By Federal Prosecutors: Again, even the greatest writers in the world couldn’t make this story up as a work of fiction.

Rep. George Santos, supposedly of New York and the creator of personal fabrications not seen before, has been charged by federal prosecutors with crimes, supposedly related to allegations of false statements made related to his finances.

As I told you weeks ago, you can tell tall tales until you are blue in the face … it is not illegal to lie in the public forum.

But once it involves money. the outlay of money, where the money came from, and from whom and for what purpose(s), it gets a bit more serious and substantive, and in this case, Santos could be cited, and yesterday, he was.

And if you think Trump has chutzpah, Santos has defined that very word since taking office, even to the extent that he has already filed to run again for his seat when it comes up for vote next year.

This guy has told tall tales about everything from his religious background to his educational background, seems to think that is an OK thing to do, and has not served his constituents one iota in the process.

I am sure that he will be found guilty on every count that the feds lob at him, but we shouldn’t feel too bad for the guy.

Once he pays his fines and serves his jail time (if any), you just know he has a best-selling book in him, and everyone from CNN to Fox to MSNBC to the major networks will vie for his “expertise” as a political commentator, so in the end, cheaters do prosper, don’t they now?

My Wife Is Doing Better: My wife is doing better after her fall the other day.

She is able to do more each day without pushing herself too much, but Monday is the day where we will find out exactly where she stands with this head injury, and what she can do and can’t do as we go forward.

She appears to have been very, very lucky in this fall, as she “only” appears to have a bump on her head, and she appears to be healing every day.

But we will find out from the doctor for sure where she is with this, and then I think she will be able to breathe a sigh of relief about what happened, what could have been, and where she is going in the near future.

My Computer Is Doing Worse: Not to really compare the two, but today, my computer had a lot of trouble starting up after several days of starting up on the very first try, so there is something wrong with this unit and it isn’t going away sp quickly, if at all.

Thankfully, I have just about everything backed up that I need that is on this computer, so if it goes, it goes.

But I don’t want it to go, because it is like an old friend … it and I get along so well together, and it has served me proud for years now.

Let’s see what happens tomorrow.

And I will speak to you tomorrow … same Bat time, same Bat channel … .

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