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Monday, January 2, 2023

Rant #3,043: Long Ago Tomorrow

How was your New Year’s Eve and Day?

Mine was pretty dull, which is exactly the way I like it.

Nothing crazy, stayed at home, and that was that for my family and I.

We ordered in food from a local restaurant, we ate at home, watched a little TV, saw the ball drop, and went to sleep.

That was pretty much it for New Year’s Eve.

On New Year’s Day, I watched a lot of TV, took a nap, ordered in our dinner, we ate at home, and we went to bed pretty early.

That was it.


And what did I watch a lot of this weekend on TV?

“The Honeymooners” and “The Twilight Zone,” of course.

You can say whet you want about what is offered on TV today, but sorry, this current fare cannot match the creativity of these two series, each of which was created and new more than 60 years ago.

“The Honeymooners” remains the most spot-on, funniest show ever created, driven by the fact that no matter how many times you watch these episodes, you still laugh and laugh and laugh some more.

And with “The Twilight Zone,” you get a similar experience: no matter how many times you see these episodes, they make you think, think and think some more.

I’m just not glued to the past, as I did one thing that moved me into the future during these two days.

My nephew came in from California, as he usually does during this holiday break.

We touched base again when he came over to visit his grandmother, and he brought me his latest recordings.

He is a musician and is a member of a thrash-metal group, Cancer Christ, which is very popular on the west coast.

I listened to some of what he gave to me, and honestly, I can’t figure it out.

It seems like a lot of yelling and screaming and anti-social music, if you even want to call it music, but I guess you can say that his band must be on to something, although what that is completely eludes me.

You can check up on his band at,searing%20and%20powerful%20holy%20light.

And we exchanged records, as I gave him a copy of “The Rascals Greatest Hits” that I had.

I told him that more than a generation ago, the Rascals pretty much did what his band did, playing small clubs before they got their big break.

The music is totally different, of course, but I told my nephew that maybe if he listened to the LP, he might find something in there that he can use in his own band’s repertoire.

You never know …

Really, nothing else of any consequence transpired during New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day and that was good, for me personally.

I actually had some work to do for my remote job and sent that in, and will do the same today.

Since today is going to be the day that office workers are being given off to celebrate New Year’s Day this year, I know that no one will be in the office, but it shows that I am dedicated to my work and hope to keep things going through the new year.

That is that.

The New Year celebrations came and went, we are just about back to whatever we call normal nowadays, and we have another year to experience.

I know I sound blasé about the whole thing, but in a couple of months I will turn 66, and let’s just say that I have been around the block a bit during my life, and it is just the same thing over and over and over.

But please, dear God, no surprises this year.

I had enough last year to last me a lifetime, and I know that I can live out a long lifetime without the surprises thrown in, because they always seem to be bad surprises, not good ones.

A happy and healthy new year to all of you, and I will continue on tomorrow post haste!

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