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Friday, August 26, 2022

Rant #2,961: One Way Or Another

Another over sleep!
I could not get up from bed today.
Too much on my mind.
This has been the summer that I want to end so badly, the summer of my discontent, if you will, and every day we get nearer to the end of this season, and it cannot come soon enough for me.
I have told you about things here and there, but I haven’t told you all of it.
This is not a diary, this is only a blog, and some of the stuff I would rather keep to myself at this point in time.
My family and I have had a bushel-full of problems both big and small, this summer, and just when you think things can’t get worse, they do.
When it rains, it pours, as they say.
But like the Little Dutch Boy, I can’t just stick my finger in the dyke and make the water go away.
It simply doesn’t work that way, at least for my family and I.
We took another hit this week, a major hit, which I am not going to get into now, but we are simply going to have to wait it out, and I am sure that we will be fine.
But it is not going to be easy, no way, no how.
We will see during the next week or so how everything transpires.
And that is all I am going to say about it.
I would rather focus on some positives rather than negatives, although during this period, that is very difficult for me to do.
One positive is that none of these ills have to do with my family’s health.
I went through that with that lesion on my head, and that appears to be history.
My wife, my son and my mother are fine, so other than that thing on my head, our ills have not had to do with health, thank goodness.
It is just one thing after another that has hit us this summer, both big and small, even when we were on vacation, a week that was our oasis away from all the pain.
But like I said, even that week had its low points, as that was the week, in the middle of our sightseeing, that I found out about that thing on my head, right in the middle of a presentation we attended.
That kind of short-circuited our trip, but I have to say that I took the high road, and tried to not let it bother me, and we ended up having a great week away from our world.
But when we returned, we found that we were right back where we started from, only worse.
So again, I would rather focus on some good things, and try to leave that all behind, but it is very difficult to do when things are awry and as messy as they are right now.
But here is something nice that I would like to talk about. I have talked about it before, and yes, it is a bit of self promotion, but it is something P-O-S-I-T-I-V-E.
I run a Facebook site called “Where the Action is—Yesterday and Today … and Tomorrow.”
It all has to do with the late, lamented TV show “Where the Action Is,” which ran weekdays on ABC from 1965 to 1967.
It was an offshoot of Dick Clark’s “American Bandstand,” and featured performances form the top rock, pop and soul acts of the day, everyone from James Brown to the Young Rascals to the Association to Herman’s Hermits.
It also created its own stars, first and foremost, Paul Revere and the Raiders.
The show was extremely popular among Baby Boomers when it was on the air, but for one reason or another, except for bootlegs, it has kind of fallen off the map, and its episodes have not been available legally since it went off the air 55 years ago.
Lots of stuff has turned up on YouTube, and that is the touchstone of the Facebook site, where we look back on the show on a daily basis, with lists of performers and what songs they sang on the show, accompanied by a corresponding YouTube clip.
No politics are discussed here, and it is just a fun site, period.
It has grown by leaps and bounds during its couple of years of existence, and we do have some actual performers who are members of the site, including Lou Christie, Dean Torrence from Jan and Dean, and Keith of “98.6" fame.
We are now up to 3,000 members, and new members join each and every day.
If this is in your wheel house, please join the group. I guarantee you will not be disappointed. I put a lot of effort into the site, and I think you might like it.
The site can be accessed at
And that is all l have to say today.
Have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

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