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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Rant #2,873: D.O.A.

Yesterday was a terrible day for New York City and New York State as a whole.
To begin the day, right in the middle of rush hour, some guy on a subway train in Brooklyn decided that he was going to take out the people in the car with him, and putting on a gas mask, he first let out whatever was in a gas canister, and then started shooting, seriously wounding about a dozen people but miraculously, not fatally shooting anyone.
Somehow, in the chaos, he managed to escape, and there is supposedly no video of what happened, because the cameras reportedly were malfunctioning, so all the police have to go on is amateur video as to who this guy is, although they later named "a person of interest" that they want to locate about the incident.
They know that he is a black man, short and stocky and heavy set—and that he was wearing some type of work uniform when he did what he did.
Other clues are that he left behind a satchel full of other explosives, bullets, other gas canisters and a whole array of other things that could have caused further human and physical damage if he had gotten to use them.
Also, they know that he drove a U-Haul truck—which they found but was abandoned—but they have not located this guy, at least not located him as I am writing this at around 7 a.m. this morning.
New York City’s subway is its spine, the way millions of people each day commute from one point to another in the Big Apple, and in recent months, it has been rife with crime, whether shootings or stabbings or muggings or people being pushed in front of trains.
The mayor, now sick with COVID, knows about the subway’s importance to the health of the city, but he still conveys to the populace that the subways are safe, and just yesterday, he said that if he were well, he would be riding the subway right at that moment.
I mean, what else is he going to say?
The subways, in reality, are as safe as can be in the anarchy that is New York City, a city that has been shaped by ultra-liberal politicians into a thug’s paradise, with lax laws, supposed bail reform and lack of understanding of mental health problems having made it an easy mark for crooks of every stripe to take over and do their thing.
The city has reverted back to the 1970s, when crime was rampant and the homeless problem was prolific, and it has taken 20 steps back in time due to politicians running the city and state—more to the point, ruining the city and state—to patronize certain groups that they want in their constituency and in their pockets—and this goes back far before the prior administration, all the way back to right after Rudolph Giuliani used tough laws to make the city safe again.
The past nearly 30 years of Bloomberg and deBlasio—and Governor Cuomo—destroyed the city, and current Mayor Adams is in over his head with what was left on his plate by deBlasio.
They will eventually find this guy, I would think, but the entire incident, coupled with other such incidents, has stamped the city in its entirely as completely unsafe, and those who even think of coming here on vacation should beware, and those who live and/or work the city or must use its transportation … well, you voted in these fools, now you get what you paid for.
Then lost in all of this confusion was the announcement that Governor Kathy “The Yokel” Hochul’s hand-picked lieutenant governor was arrested in a bribery investigation tied into campaign donations.
Brian Benjamin was specifically chosen by the governor to be her second in arms because of his race and his standing in New York City, a city that knew little to nothing about Hochul when she became governor after her boss, Governor Andrew Cuomo, resigned following numerous charges against him.
Hochul distanced herself from Cuomo, stating that she knew nothing about his peccadilloes, which was hard to believe to begin with, as she was his second in arms.
But New Yorkers basically gave her a pass, and now, with her own hand-picked lieutenant governor embroiled in a mess, he has resigned, so once again, the governor can distance herself from something she should have at least vetted before naming him as her second.
Hochul is either a liar or perhaps the dumbest person ever to lead New York State, or perhaps a little bit of both.
We will find out in November, when she runs for a full term, whether New York State voters continue their being the most ignorant voters on the face of the planet or finally wise up and rid the governor’s office of somebody who is in way over her head on just about every matter having to do with the state.
I am not a betting man, but if I were, I would bet the former continues to win out, which means a loss for New York City and New York State …
But again, you get what you pay for.
What does the future hold for New York State and New York City?
I don’t know, but until effective leadership is found, and the real problems of the city and state are faced head on, the city and state will continue to disintegrate into an anarchic version of its former self, and with so many years of completely inept leadership, its path is already well dug in, so much so that there may be no turning back at this juncture.

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