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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Rant #2,603: One Tin Soldier

Well, on the second day of March 2021, what should I write about?
I often ask myself that question when I sit down at my computer after eating breakfast each weekday.
I think what makes this blog fresh and so different from other opinionated sites is that about 75 percent of the time I have no idea what I am going to write about before I actually write about something.
Yesterday, I just had to write about the shenanigans surrounding Mr. Potato Head, so I knew exactly what I was going to write about as I sat down in front of the computer.
Today, it is a little different.
As I type this, I am still gong back and forth on things …
But I have finally settled on something, and a lot of you aren’t going to like what I have to say, but let me preface it by saying this:
I am not a fan of Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, never have voted for him, and I have not cared for any of his supposedly progressive policies.
He has acted as the dictator of New York since the pandemic broke, and his handling of nursing homes during the early days of the pandemic was dreadful at best.
He leads a state that is losing residents at an alarming rate, and a lot of it has to do with the programs that he has passed in the state making actual citizens into second class citizens.
That being said, I don’t believe for one minute any of the malarkey being bandied about now about how he treated women in the workplace.
It’s like everybody is coming after the governor like vultures do on a dead carcass, and the way people are buying into this, well, I just cannot believe that we have become such a gullible society today, taking in very heartedly whatever pabulum we are being fed.
Cuomo is being rocked by the nursing home scandal, and he darn well should be. Thousands of people died because of his idiotic policies related to who should be admitted into nursing homes.
He had other avenues to use during this period, including a medical ship right in New York Harbor and the Javits Center, yet those went unused at the time, and he allowed people to go into these homes that spread the virus like wildfire.
Yet he continues to justify his actions, even when one of his closest aides admitted that the count of these people was under-reported.
That is what he should be taken to task about, not this other nonsense.
He is down right now, his brash bravado lessened by things swirling around him. Stupid New York voters put this guy into office not once, not twice, but three times, so you get who you vote for.
But this other nonsense … come on, open up your eyes.
When his opponents see an opening, they barge through as if the opening was as wide as the Grand Canyon, and they are doing that right now.
Out of the woodwork have come two women in particular—one, a 25 year old who was brought up in a generation that gets offended at just about anything, including Mr. Potato Head—and another who is running for office herself, and they have both accused him of improprieties in the workplace.

And now I read that another woman has come out of nowhere, and you just know that they are now lining up to get this guy.
Seems like we have the Donald Trump saga once again, where women were coming out of the woodwork accusing him of one thing or another, and their stories kind of faded into the ether, just like these three women’s stories will too.
Having been in the workplace, I know that funny things do happen there, and nobody is going to deny that.
Each workplace has its own personality, and I have worked in places where sexual topics were spoken about freely, by both men and women, and I have worked in offices where there was plenty of innuendo about whey one person jumped up through the hierarchy over others.
In fact, I have worked in two offices where it was pretty obvious that hiring was done strictly based on certain physical attributes that the person had, and those type of people who are hired for those jobs usually don’t last in their positions very long, and most of them didn’t.
In particular in smaller offices where people are working side by side, a lot is said between one employee and another, and also, you have to know who you are dealing with.
Some people, both men and women, don’t want to fraternize that much, but for others, they will tell you everything you need to know and then some.
The governor has admitted that he might have said some things that he thought was making his office a "cozier" place to work in, but he is of MY generation—he is my age—and stuff like that doesn’t play anymore with a generation that gets upset at the slightest move that they feel is off kilter in their ultra-sensitive minds, a culture that gets upset at the drop of a hat but embraces every curse word and every subject possible into their means of entertainment, including in their music, movies and TV shows.
But in the workplace, God forbid you step a little out of bounds to them—you really upset their world.
As for any physical touching of any of these women, I highly doubt it. It took the particular woman in question three years to tell the world about it, and if it upset her so much, why come out now?
Because the governor is ripe for the picking now, now that he is down and out with the nursing home scandal, and in this particular case, the woman is running for Manhattan borough president, and it gives her a higher profile among constituents who didn’t even know she existed before this canard came to light.
Things do happen in the workplace, and those incidents should be investigated to the fullest.
Cuomo made a really bad tactical error by appointing a retired judge who he was close with to look into this thing, but now, an independent investigation will be done, and if it does not exonerate him—as I feel it will—then yes, he should probably resign.
But his third term is coming to a close, and even if he is exonerated, you just know that the vultures will be coming after him until his Election Day.
There are victims, true victims of heinous behavior in the workplace, and there are gold diggers, who cry about things that either never happened or are quite exaggerated.
I think in the Cuomo situation, we have the latter situation at hand here, and these women should be ashamed of themselves, because it lessens the experiences of real victims of workplace harassment into nothingness.
Andrew Cuomo, like his father was, is brash, head strong, and quite aloof in his dealings with the populace.
A lot of people absolutely love him, and many rue the day he took office.
But to cut him down because of allegations that don’t hold water … that is not the way.
Get him on the nursing home fiasco, but the other stuff is now taking precedence, which it really shouldn’t.

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