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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Rant #2,475: You Gotta Have Heart

Yes, I have been through a hell of a lot since I lost my job nearly seven weeks ago.

Even a scriptwriter could not conjure up a script to describe what I have been through, and the fact of the matter is that you only know the half of it.

I haven't told you everything, simply because there isn't a reason to do so.

But what you have read about, including the current fiasco I wrote about yesterday, is really and truly mind boggling, isn't it?

So now we come to the dawn of Thanksgiving 2019 tomorrow, and everybody is happily getting ready to prepare and consume the big bird, get together with friends and family, watch the parade, watch "March of the Wooden Soldiers," and maybe tune into some football.

And then comes Black Friday ... watch out! Ordinary people will turn into tigers as they grab the latest and greatest items over each other at their local stores.

Me? I would rather talk about the things that I am thankful for this Thanksgiving Eve.

I am sure that after doing a double take at what you have just read, you are asking yourself, "Based on the circumstances, how could he be thankful about anything?" but let me tell you, I really am thankful about so many things.

And I am more thankful today than ever.

First, I am thankful for my family, who have backed me 1,000 percent in this struggle I am going through now. Without them, I would be literally dead in the water. I truly have the greatest family, no doubt about it.

And I also have great friends, and to them, I am also very thankful. They have my back, and have helped pick me up when I am at my lowest stages.

I am also thankful that I have this forum to air myself out on. As a writer, I am here to write. If I cannot put my thoughts down on paper, or in this case electronically, then I am also dead in the water. And if anyone takes what I say the wrong way, then that is their problem, not mine.

Yes, as the old song by Gloria Gaynor says, "I will survive."

With all obstacles in my way, I will make it through this nonsense thast I am going through right now. I owe it to my friends and family to be strong, to be resilient, and to wake up every day with the feeling and belief that "This will be the day that I conquer all."

Look, none of us know what is in the cards for us in the coming days, months or years. But with the strong backbone that I have--that being a great group of family members and friends--there is no way that I can miss.

Heck, they won't let me miss.

And it is not in my DNA anyway.

So I will survive.

I might not thrive, but I am going to give it my best shot each and every day.

Look, I know that in the coming days and months, I might need a lot of help to attain whatever minor goals I have set for myself, and I just know that I will attain them.

It might be in an unconventional way, but I have to believe that "right will win out."

If I don't believe that, than I am really done, no matter how strong my family and friends are.

So yes, I am extra, extra thankful this coming Thanksgiving that I have the people around me who won't let me fail, and who instill confidence in me that I will one day put this all behind me.

Have a great Thanksgiving, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

Gobble Gobble!

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