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Monday, July 1, 2019

Rant #2,405: Ain't Too Proud To Beg

As we exit the weekend and stomp into another summer week, I have a lot to be proud of.

Among the things I am proud of are the following:

First and foremost, I am extremely proud of my son.

After weeks of consternation, he finally went through dental surgery, and came out just fine. He handled it very well, took it like a man, and he is recuperating faster than anyone could ever have hoped for.

It is a long, complicated story, which I am not going to go into here, but right now, he is healthy and happy and down one tooth.

He will survive, as will my wife and I, who were as nervous as norvous when all of this was going on for the past few weeks and during the surgery.

I am proud of the New York Yankees, who demonstrated that no matter where they play their games, they are currently on a steamroll, and the tar that they put down was all over their hated rivals, the Boston Red Sox, all done across the pond in London, England.

It was MLB's first foray into Europe, and by all accounts, it was extremely successful. London Stadium was jammed with 60,000 people for each of the two games--made up of Americans on vacation and lots of Brits, including Prince Harry and Megan Markle--and it became a truly international event as bombs were exploded all over the place--not to harm anyone, but to score lots and lots of runs.

The Yankees won the two games, are ahead of the hated Red Sox by 11 games entering July 4--with a very good Tampa Bay Rays team in between the rivals--and things are looking good the aptly named Bronx Bombers.

One thing I am not proud of--and I have no idea why I should being showing pride in--are the recently concluded Pride celebrations around the world, celebrating LGBTQ lifestyles.

These celebrations, to me, come off as circus-like apologies to this community about supposed injustices committed in the past by the greater straight community, and while there is no doubt that the LGBTQ community has suffered persecution in the past, what the heck am I apologizing for, or more to the point, being forced by the PC Police to apologize for.

During this weekend, I put up a post which infuriated some, was agreed with by others, and still others mets halfway.

I am putting it up here because--and further delving into this debate--pretty much because my eyes are killing me today, I cannot see clearly at all, and cutting and pasting is such a nice thing when you need it like I do today. Othewise, I would have probably steered clear of this entire situation. Been there, done that.

Here is what I put up on Facebook that got some people's blood boiling:

"OK, here goes.
I have pride in myself, pride in my family, pride as an American, pride as a Yankees fan, and pride in my fellow human beings.
I am thoroughly sick of World Pride Month, completely, totally sick of this parade of PC nonsense being foisted on us by certain factions.
I believe in human beings. I believe in acting like a human being, and I have great faith in the human race.
A person's sexuality is none of anyone's business, and doesn't have anything to do with my personal beliefs on faith in my fellow man.
Quite frankly, if you do your job, that is what I love about you. If you don't do your job, get away from me. You are holding up the line.
And sexuality has nothing to do with it.
For whatever reason, some factions firmly believe that we are defined by our sexuality, and hit us over the head with it every time they can. That is what is happening right now.
Look, i have known gays, i have worked with them, and have them in my very extended family.
They have to live too ... but i don't parade my sexuality around, and there is no need for such displays.
But the PC community believes otherwise, the media jumps on this, and corporations buy into this too.
Heck, the Yankees even have some scholarship related to the Stonewall "uprising," which was nothing more than a riot at a mob run gay bar, and the NYPD, playingn into this PC nonsense, has apologized for their "actions" 50 years ago.
Enough already.
I have supreme respect for all communities, all human beings, all Americans, but do not hit me over the head with your bedroom lifestyle. Which i have no interest in.
I know that i have put a target on my back now, but i am not a homophobe because i disagree and have no use for this 100 percent PC political parade being dumped on us right now.
I do not care if you disagree with what i said. But i am willing to bet that plenty of people agree 100 percent with me, but are scared to say so.
I get it. I understand their hesitancy in agreeing with me.
But this is what i feel. I have my own brain, and do not allow myself to be led around by s ring in my nose.
I believe in humanity, and that is more important than anything else."

And that is just how I feel, and quite frankly, if people are honest about it, I believe I am not alone. but people are afraid to say anything today, because there is backlash in the PC world we live in, so people keep their views but stay silent.

I am sick and tired, and have had it up to my gills, for having to apologize for past indiscretions by a society that had different mores and standards than today's society has (although today's mores and standards are quite questionable themselves).

I believe in people first. I don't go up to you, and say, "What is your sexuality?" when interviewing people or talking to them.

Is that going to be the next question when one looks for a job? Has who you are attracted to become the new standard of living.

I really don't care.

And going back to baseball, here is my analogy, which I think clearly demonstrates my thinking, which, by the way, no one has to agree with:

A player comes up to the plate with the bases loaded. If he gets a hit, my team wins.

Two outs, bottom of the ninth.

The pitcher throws his pitch, the batter swings. Foul ball.

The pitcher throws another pitch, the batter swings. Strike two.

The pitcher throws a third pitch. The batter swings, misses, strike three, the game is over.

"What a bum. How could he miss those pitches?" I think to myself.

And if he got the winning hit, I would think to myself, "Wow, he did it! We won! Great job!"

Notice, the player's sexuality never entered into any discussion of what went on.

It doesn't matter--if he misses, he is a bum for the day and moment, if he connects, he is the hero of the day.

And that is how it should be.

If you define yourself by your sexuality, you are never going to be fully accepted by anyone.

Be a good person, be the best you can be, and you will be fully accepted by everyone.

And that is the last I am going to say on this topic, because some people get hysterical over what I said, but hey, I said it, it is my opinion, you have yours, and it is great that we live in a society that we both can voice our opinions and beliefs without retribution.

Case closed. Speak to you again tomorrow, and hopefully, my eyes will be better tomorrow.

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