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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Classic Rant #874 (January 2, 2013): Back To Bascs

OK, how was your New Year?

Mine was OK.

For the first time in ages, we actually went out, went to my brother in law's house for the celebration.

My wife and I were tired as heck, it is a total 80-plus mile drive back and forth, and by the time the ball dropped, I was pooped, but it went OK.

I didn't eat too much or drink too much--and I don't mean liquor, which I don't drink, I mean soft drinks--and that was the way to keep awake.

Being out, I broke my long-standing tradition of watching the ball drop and then turning right to "The Honeymooners" marathon locally on Channel 11, but when we got home, I did watch an episode and then went to sleep.

On January 1, I decided since I was off, that would be a good day to get my computer in the running order and look that I was used to.

I set about doing that, but little did I know that it would take a whole day and then some--and I am still not done.

Many, if not all, of my files were backed up onto an exterior hard drive, and transferring them over to my desktop became an almost Herculean job.

I started doing this at about 11 a.m., and I was not done with it until the wee hours of this morning.

Exactly when, I don't know, because I let the thing go while I was asleep.

So I have all my files like I had them before, but there are a lot of other things I still have to do--and figure out.

And today is back to school and back to work day, so we all have to deal with that.

Me, I am going to be late for work today, because I have a doctor's appointment.

At least it isn't like last year, when I had an appointment with jury duty in Brooklyn, and which started my year off just dandy, if you know what I mean.

As we all get back to basics, I don't look back on the past year fondly, and as I said in my previous Rant, I am so glad to be rid of 2012.

It was a horrible year, to say the least, and honestly, I don't know if 2013 will be any better ...

But I am sure hoping it will be. I can't take another year like last, and I don't know if our country can take another year like 2012.

But as we do with any new year, we go in with our eyes wide open.

Every year starts off with promise, and then we face the realities of what we are dealing with.

This year it is higher taxes, less extra money to spend, maybe even a recession.

At least we won't be paying $6 for a gallon of milk.

But again, I hope this year is better than last.

It almost has to be better, because looking back, it can't be any worse.

Can it?

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