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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Classic Rant #873 (December 31, 2012): Happy New Year?

Today is the last day of the year, and I don't know about you, but I am happy to see 2012 go away.

This was not the greatest year for too many people, and it certainly wasn't for me.

I started off the year with a painful hemorrhoid, and ended it with a painful kick to my pocketbook.

You would think that I was into pain this year.

I had jury duty early this year, and almost got fired from my job for doing my civic duty.

In the summer, somehow I got a pinched nerve in my neck, and I am still suffering from that malady, and probably will until the day I die. It is better, much better in fact, but it isn't what it should be.

The, the final kicker was that my computer died, just flatlined, around Christmas.

I took it to a major retailer, they told me it couldn't be fixed, but charged me over $200 in the process to tell me it couldn't be fixed and to back up all my files, many of which I already have backed up.

But maybe there is hope on the horizon. I wasn't convinced, took the computer to a local guy, and VOILA!, I am typing this Rant on the previously dead computer.

Yes, I am looking for this year to end, and end quickly.

Just as a nation, we have weathered Hurricane Sandy, and we are still coming to terms with what happened in Connecticut.

We also lost lots of talent during the year, everyone from Dick Clark to Ray Bradbury to Don Grady to Davy Jones.

Can 2013 be better than 2012?

Well, some would argue that it isn't starting off very well.

We are ready to go over the fiscal cliff, and if we do, we will probably go into another recession, or worse, because everyone's taxes are going to shoot up.

Our paychecks won't be what they were in 2012, and thus, we won't spend money like we did in the prior year, a year where we generally didn't spend money anyway.

Lots of benefits will be cut, and people in Washington don't seem to feel the urgency to get this matter done as the general public does.

So, will 2013 be better than 2012?

I don't know, but one really bad sign is that it is a year ending in a 13.

I am not a superstitious person, but if things get worse in 2013, I might just become one.

Try to have a Happy New Year, and I will be back on Wednesday. I still have lots of work to make my computer comfortable to me after it was DOA the other day, so I will be mighty busy tomorrow.

I hope the New Year brings everyone the solace that they need to make 2013 a super year.

I really do.

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