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Thursday, January 4, 2018

Rant #2,056: It's Snow Easy

Well, today the snow came, as predicted.

There is a blizzard warning for Suffolk County on Long Island, and since I live a stone's throw away from the western part of the county, that blizzard warning pretty much goes for us too.

I look out the window, see a sea of white, and wonder how the day is going to turn out.

Do I go to work? The snow is supposed to last until the afternoon, and with wind gusts up in the mid-double digits, and with temperatures in the low 20s, do I even venture into my car and try to navigate the roads?

During both good times and bad ones, my work has never had a really good weather plan; basically, if you can make it into work, fine, if not, well, then you're not.

"If we are in, we are in, if we are not in, we are not in."

Yes, that is the philosophy, and I hope that perhaps it won't be worth it to go in today, but it is only a little past 4:30 a.m. now, so I have time to worry about that.

With my wife, she works for a bank, so the weather response is a bit different.

I am sure they will at least have a delayed opening, but again, it is still too early to tell.

When all is said and done, we are expected to get about a foot, which is much less than some other storms, and much more than still others.

The problem is that with the ferocious wind--which I don't hear yet at this stage of the game--it will make cleaning the stuff even more difficult.

I hate shoveling, I really do, but that is something I am going to have to do at some point today, sooner than later if I don't go into work.

I shoveled the other day when we got about two inches, and honestly, it was pretty easy, but today's snowfall, I bet, is going to be a bit more difficult to get off the ground.

My son is still under the weather, so he isn't going anywhere until at least tomorrow, when this snowstorm will be history. He has a doctor's note from the hospital he was in, so he needs to rest up today for a potential return to work tomorrow ... when the temperature is supposed to be in the single digits.

We have our cars parked in the driveway so the plows can get through, which not everyone does, for some unknown reason.

Why chance it, when your car can get even more buried by the plows moving snow all over the place? I have seen cars completely buried during certain storms; you can't even see them with all the white stuff piled on top of them.

I believe the New York City schools are closed today. Boy, what a difference in time! When we lived in the city and I went to school there, the New York City schools had a reputation of never closing! My, how times have changed.

The schools out here will probably be closed, too, but I don't have to worry about that.

My concern is do I venture out to work or not, and I am still contemplating that as I type this.

"To be or not to be, that is the question," I guess.

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