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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Rant #2,074: Cut the Cake

Yesterday, at about 5:15 p.m. or so, I went through a minor operation that took about two seconds for the doctor to accomplish, but might save me a world of worry.

I had a growth taken off my nose, a very unnoticeable growth to the outside, but very known to me.

It was skin colored, grew right below the nose piece of my glasses, and has been growing off and on for at least the past few months.

It was so unnoticeable that even my wife didn't know it was there until about a week ago, when it grew thicker on the base of my nose.

I have had it for a slight while, but usually, it fell off over time, but it would always grow back.

My regular doctor checked it out, and he said it was nothing more than a skin tag in a kind of bad place.

So I had a dermatologist look at it yesterday, and he said that he would take it off, it would go to the lab, and it would be checked out to see if there was anything there that would cause concern.

I have to be careful, because my mother had some type of skin cancer a few years back, and with quick treatment, she never had to worry about it again.

I have had skin growths for years, and a few times I have had such very small growths removed on my cheeks.

They came out to be nothing more than skin tags or warts on that area of my body, nothing more, and they were removed, and that was that.

Hopefully, that will be the story with this growth, but we shall see in about two weeks.

Anybody that knows me knows that while I do go swimming in the summer, I do use sunscreen, and while I am out of the pool, I cover myself up pretty well with lots of towels and a T-shirt on the upper part of my body.

But the nose might be the most susceptible place on your body to get a bad burn, because it is so prominent on your face.

I put sunscreen on it too, but I don't bathe it in sunscreen, and maybe that is where the problem is if this thing is more than I think it is.

Anyway, yes, the procedure hurt, and it was accompanied by a procedure to get rid of some other unsightly "bumps" on my head that I had pointed out the doctor to look at.

Three other places were looked at, and he put something on it that hurt a bit, but he said that within about two weeks, each one of these things that he treated would fall off as scabs.

I will take his word for it.

The thought also passed my mind that these "things" are the result of worry.

Everybody manifests stress in different ways, and maybe, with all the stress I have been under, that my stress has been manifested in these skin things turning up on me.

Who knows?

Hopefully, everything will be fine with me, and I can move on from this stuff.

I know that my regular doctor said that some people are simply prone to these things, and maybe I am too.

The only good thing is that they really aren't noticeable to anybody but me, so they don't stand out too much, and people don't fixate on them when they look at me.

They are so small, if anything, maybe they look like a simple pimple.

I am hoping that these things are nothing, just things that have to be taken care of when necessary.

Look, I have too much on my plate already; I don't need anything else, because my plate is ready to fall over from the weight or my worries ... why add to it?

What, me worry?

You bet I do!

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