People, in the name of the absolutely stupid side of our president elect, continue to believe that COVID does not exist, and that the shots are sort of a "mind/ body control" device.
Further, they lump in the COVID shot with real vaccines, like those for the measles and polio, that actually, through use, do eradicate their respective diseases.
This came up again on Facebook, and I let the dummies perpetuating the invalidity of COVID and the shots have it again.
"The shots were valid. The virus did, and still does, exist. They only mitigate the disease, and that is why there is such a commotion about it.
If the government would not have jumped the gun and labeled this as a vaccine--like what we have for measles and polio--I do believe there would never have been such a kerfuffle about this.
But they were so eager to get people to take the shots, that they lied to us all. Now, people are refusing to have their children get ANY shots, and that is just plain wrong.
The real vaccines are beneficial, wiping out horrid diseases for good ... until the foolish among us started to not get them for their kids.
Funny, these adults received the shots when they were kids, as most school districts require them ... did it do irreparable harm to them?
I had measles as a very young child because I was way too young to get the shots at that time; you don't want your kids to get that disease, take it from me.
The COVID "vaccine" isn't one, as it only generally lessens the symptoms for many of us.
But it does do the job. Don't knock it."
Of course, others knocked what I said, but I fought back once again.
They quote something called the "Adverse Reaction Reporting System," but I let them have it.
"I, and everyone I know, had absolutely no problems, or minor aches and pains that went away as quickly as they came.
This is the utter nonsense that makes me feel proud that I did what I believe was the right thing and voted for neither Trump nor Harris ...
But funny, remember Operation Warp Speed? That was Trump's program to get the research on the shots started.
He didn't believe anything, either, until his family, and he himself, got COVID.
And I am sure that as a child, you got your shots, so yes, the government was fully at fault in how they sold these most recent innoculations, but these shots are valid. They are NOT vaccines.
Believe what you want. I had the measles, everyone I know, except my son, got different degrees of COVID, and people died from this malady.
And there can be adverse reactions to ANY shot. I get allergy shots once a month ... can I say in my more than 50 years of getting them that not a one ever hurt, caused a black and blue mark, or made me suffer slightly?
Stop the nonsense, but I know you won't. I, at least, have the guts, and the experience, to show you how ridiculous what you say actually is."
You want your kids to get sick ... keep this charade hot on the fire ...
Like the belief that some people were actually eating others' pets.
Now, that is something that actually is utter nonsense ... or now that I said that, will some people try to prove that this is actually true?
Take a shot and be quiet!
And now that I think about it--
Did these people who believe this nonsense about eating pets give their own pets the required shots?
Or are they scared of mind/body control of their dogs and cats?
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