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Thursday, November 7, 2024

Rant #3,571: Get Over It

"Trump won. It had to do with the state of the direct economy--not the overall economy, but how people feel about their overall standing in the direct economy--i.e., the cost of everything, especially groceries--and Harris really was weak in that regard. 

So get over it--Trump is our president, whether you like it or not.

(And by the way, I wrote in my choice for president, so I didn't vote for either candidate.)"

"Trump won.

The Democrats did not learn from previous races. 

You do not put up rich celebrities like Oprah and Beyonce to stump for you the night before Election Day.

It turns average Americans off, and like when Hillary Clinton pulled the same stunt, she lost, and now, Harris pulled this, and it turned off those on the fence, and Trump got their votes.

When will they ever learn?"

These are two posts I made on Facebook yesterday morning related to the presidential election, and really, I could stop right there--

But I won't.

I was speaking to a friend on Tuesday, a friend who is a Democrat inside and out.

He said this to me (paraphrase):

"Trump and Harris ... it is a sorry state of affairs when this is the best that the Republicans and Democrats can do for their respective candidates for president."

And that is precisely the reason why I did not vote for either candidate.

I am forward thinking, and I believe Nikki Haley might very well be part of our future, starting in 2028.

There is plenty of crabbing on social media, but these people cannot see the forest for the trees ... Harris was simply a weak candidate, and I do not think she will run again in four years or beyond that.

One person already blocked me for the nerve I had to post a differing opinion than his on his own post--and he used the filthiest of language in doing so, calling me the "C" word, the same word used by some people to disparage women.

And Harris made a nice concession speech, the very thing Trump should have done when he lost four years ago.

Instead ... you know what happened, and you also know that one of his first acts as president is that he is going to pardon those thugs who are in the pokey for their part in the insurrection--

Something I completely and totally disagree with.

These knotheads are criminals, not heroes--

And one more reason I could not vote for Trump.

For those who are nauseous, think of it this way: Trump is essentially a lame-duck president.

He can only serve these four years, he cannot serve a third term, so in four years, we will start the ball rolling all over again.

Let's see what happens--

But America has spoken, and Donald Trump is OUR choice.

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