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Monday, October 14, 2024

Rant #3,555: Goodbye, Columbus (NOT)

Happy New Year to everyone, Jew and non-Jew alike.

And happy Columbus Day to all of us--

Don't get me started on Indigenous People's Day, which is not only a bunch of nonsense, but perpetuates the very stereotypes that it seeks to eradicate.

If you believe the portrayal of the indigenous people as being serene, cerebral, spiritual, quiet and less violent than their white counterparts who "stole" their land, than you buy into nothing more than a true stereotype.

Indian tribes dispatched with other Indian tribes with the ferocity of obliteration, and while not all indigenous people were violent and warlike, the stronger groups thought nothing of removing other tribes off the face of the planet for land and for other demonic purposes, so the thinking is that they were truly no better than the white man.

It is just so funny, and ridiculous, how this day is handled today.

Sure, Columbus has become something of a myth, for what he did, what he actually did, and how he has been portrayed.

But in today's over-sensitive, woke world about the past, he is looked at as an evil figure by some, a white imperialist of the worst magnitude.

On the other side, you have generations of people--including those of Hispanic and Italian background--who look at Columbus as a true hero.

Heck, there was a thought a few years ago, and that still comes up every couple of years, that Columbus was actually Jewish, and went on his trip to "America" to get away from Spain and the terrors Jews experienced during the Spanish Inquisition.

Whatever the case, Columbus has become quite a controversial figure in modern times, and any recognition he has received in our country--such as statues and the naming of cities after him--now comes under tremendous scrutiny.

Statues of him come under attack by those so woke that while they truly believe they can change the past, they cannot see the forest for the trees, because their own generation has much to apologize for.

I love how the media handles the day. Kind of straddling between two myths, Columbus as the "discoverer" of America and the "placidness" and "non-violent nature" of indigenous people.

Banks put signs in their windows to alert the public thst they are closed on "Columbus Day," but there is at least one bank that alerts the public thst they are closed on "Indigenous Peoples Day/Columbus Day," I guess so as not to.offend anyone while, in fact, offending everyone.

(Just as an aside, this a foreign-headquarted bank, has a manifesto that is clearly anti-white when it comes to hiring and promotion of executives, and was just cited by federal authorities, and heavily fined, for money laundering.)

So today is Columbus Day, has been a holiday for generations, and no matter what these woke imbeciles say, will always be Columbus Day.

Look, any holiday celebrating a major figure is going to be filled with lots of facts and lots of myths--Washington's Birthday, Lincoln's Birthday, and yes, even though we might not like to.admit it, Martin Luther King Day too--so the best way to handle these days is to go with the flow, take these days for what they are and--

Enjoy the day off.

We don't get too many of these in the calendar, so enjoy them when they come.

Happy Columbus Day to all!

And to those who wish to disparage the day and Columbus himself--

Chill out!

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