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Monday, March 18, 2024

Rant #3,314: Who Do You Love?

Ok, do you prefer Biden or Trump ... or neither one?

Last week, I put up a Rant about who I was going to vote for our commander in chief.

I put up a similar, smaller post on the same subject on Facebook, and it elicited a pretty strong response, from those firmly on one side or another and from those in the middle like me.

"Vote Biden, if you know what's good for you and for the country!"

"Vote Trump, if you know what's good for you and for the country,"

Thst's paraphrasing, of course, but that is pretty much whst respondents said in their posts.

But to me, I still won't be voting for either candidate ... simply because I have no confidence that either one of them is any good, for either myself or our country.

As I sit here continuing to nurse my left leg, I have had a lot of time to think about this, and this might be the worst choice we have ever hsd to fill the presidential position.

And that we have done it twice ... where did we go wrong?

I don't have a clear answer to that.

Is it apathy -- as so few people vote in the presidential election every four years?

Could be; but that is really nothing more than an excuse.

I don't think the votes will be as high for either candidate this time around, because Americans back then four years back were seemingly galvanized to vote.

This time around, I do believe many people will sit this one out.

They cannot choose either candidate with a clear conscious, so they won't vote for either one.

But thst won't stop the candidates from enticing the public to vote for them.

You will see millions of dollars' worth of advertising throughout media to try and get you to vote either Democrat or Republcan.

You will want to pull your eyes out of their sockets after we get weeks and weeks of this

It might turn off even more voters from casting their votes.

Me, I will cast a vote no matter what, but it will be a write-in candidate no.matter what.

Look, we still have to get through this election and four more years of either Biden and Trump.

But looking into my crystal ball, I do believe that the 2028 election will be much more interesting than this one.

There will be new blood in that race. On both sides of the aisle--

Even though either Biden or Trump can run again depending on which candidate loses  I doubt either one will, for a variety of reasons.

So in 2028, there will be new skin in the game, and it will be quite interesting to see who emerges post-Biden or post-Trump.

But that is years away.

Biden or Trump ... Trump.or Biden?

Who's it gonna be?

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