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Monday, February 12, 2024

Rant #3,288: Talk Talk

The past weekend was pretty quiet for me, the calm before the storm of a busy week ahead.

As I mentioned on Facebook.and elsewhere, I have no interest in the Super Bowl, and I had no skin in the game, so to speak, so I did not watch a minute of the Big Game.

I was once a big football fan, but when the Giants and Jets moved from New York to New Jersey, and had the audacity to.keep the "New York" attached to their names, it just turned me completely off, and it allowed me to focus on baseball and basketball, my two favorite sports.

And let's be honest about it: the Super Bowl has been denigrated by all the phony hype, and it is not so much about the game anymore, but about the spectacle.

And legal betting has just made it that much worse ... and don't get me started on Taylor Swift.

The sporting aspect--the actual game--takes a backseat to all the pomp, and to me, that amounts to a poof.

And then we had the announcement of the latest group of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominees.

The announcement curiously came on Super Bowl Saturdsy morning ... it is almost as if the Hall was so embarrassed at who these supposedly "learned" music people nominated that they tried to bury the announcement in all the phony hype of the Super Bowl, hoping few woukd notice.

If that is true. I really can't blame them.

Completely ignoring other acts who deservedly belong in the HoF, this year's nominees include the likes of Erik B and Rakim and Mariah Carey and Sade, acts that not only have nothing to do with rock and roll, but simply do not deserve enshrinement.

Sure, there are one or two acts nominated that probably do deserve to be in there--Peter Frampton, and I guess I will go out on a limb and say Cher, who really should not go in without Sonny--but this year's list is about as weak as my bad leg is ... the only difference being that my bad leg will get better, but at this rate, the RRHoF will never improve.

Choices are made having little to nothing to do with the music, but the ad rates and revenue thst the broadcast of the enshrinement show will.have featuring certain performers over others.

What the RRHoF needs at this point in time is an eras committee, one each for the 1950s. 1960s and 1970s, that would convene on a revolving basis to choose an honoree from the respective era.

The Bsseball.HoF has this, and it has worked out fine, even though yes, it is kind of a back door way into getting into the HoF.

I mean, c'mon ... Sinead O'Connor?

I rest my case.

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