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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Rant #3,176: Cool It Now

This has been one hot summer, and I think I read that July has a chance to be the hottest month on record.

I can pretty much take the heat, but the humidity is what gets me every time.

It greatly impacts my allergies, and once my allergies are all over the place, so is my entire body.

Thank God for the air conditioner, which I think it one of the great inventions of the modern age.

(Now here is my segue way to what I really want to talk about today … )

I wonder if the accused Gilgo Beach mass murderer had air conditioning in his house?

He certainly had other things in there besides air conditioning, as we have heard that he had some type of underground vault where he stored some 200 guns.

The sound-proof room—which was discovered earlier this week as authorities were digging up the accused murderer’s home—was a walk-in vault with a thick iron door.

This discovery leads to a load of questions.

One obvious one is that how did authorities not know about the cache of arms that this guy had in his house?

Was this group of arms not registered?

Earlier, they had found 90 firearms in the house that apparently were registered and legal—shouldn’t anyone having that number of firearms in his possession send up a red flag to authorities to begin with?

And the next one is also an obvious question—

How could his family, and primarily his wife, not know anything about this?

I am not saying that she and the kids are culpable in whatever this guy has been accused of doing, but you live in a house, his wife is married to him for a number of years, and you have no clue that there is this massive area in your house where guns are being stored?

Either she is the dumbest woman alive, or there is something fishy here.

Look, the accused murder had lived in this house his entire 59 years. He had been married once before, and divorced.

Perhaps he built this thing in the time between the first marriage and the second, but something is just eerie about someone living in the house and not knowing what appears to be anything about the very house she lived in.

Of course, she evidently didn’t know about her husband’s predilections, either, so maybe it isn’t too surprising that she didn’t know about this secret room.

I just don’t get it, though, for whatever that is worth.

And now we have this poor house, which looks like a bomb hit it—and looked that way before anything of this unfurled—just sitting there, in the possession of his numb wife and kids.

I said right away that this has a chance to be a modern “Amityville Horror” house, one that gawkers visit, leading to e neighborhood that is destroyed by its presence.

I guess I wasn’t the only one thinking this way, as Nassau County has now put police around the house, trying to keep away people that have nothing better to do than gawk, throw garbage and destroy the neighborhood when they “visit” this house as part of some type of eerie sightseeing tour.

Such behavior destroyed the house in Amityville to the point that not only was the house rebuilt, but the street name was changed so people could not locate the house … but that was only done years after the presence of the house changed the neighborhood forever.

I remember all the times I was walking on Merrick Road before I got my driver’s license in Massapequa Park—located right next to Amityville--and being stopped and asked directions to the house in Amityville.

I darn well knew where the house was—it was literally a few minutes or so away from where I lived--and I always gave people who stopped me on the road the wrong directions, because I always thought that this exercise was so stupid and such a total and complete waste of time that those fools who asked me for directions deserved to be pointed in the wrong direction.

And when I went to college, I knew a few people who actually went to school with the Amityville killer, and they said that if you had asked them years earlier about who they thought the most likely person to do such a horrible thing was, they would have told you that it was the guy who actually did it years later.

Now that I am all riled up talking about all of these murders, I think it is the right time to get back to the air conditioning—

To cool down a bit …

My body, my mind, and my soul.

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