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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Rant #3,095: You're Fooling You

March 21, 2023 is the 80th day of the year, which makes us roughly 22 percent done with this year.


But it also means that we have more than three-quarters of the year left to go.


The year is still pretty early, but I don’t know what to make of it at this point.

It doesn’t appear that, at least personally, this is going to be a memorable year for me, but with so many days left in the year, you just never know.

If you are a member of Facebook, you know that they will, on almost a daily basis, put things up that you posted a year ago, two years ago … I even was reminded of something I put up 11 years ago the other day.

You can either pass it by or share it again, and most of the time, I will just pass it by.

But on occasion—I guess to make a point or to see how far I/we have come from this original post—I will post it again, and a couple of people will usually acknowledge it.

I guess that I can do the same thing right here at the Blog—put up what I was talking about years ago, and see the resultant action, and I actually have done that in the past, rather sparingly, usually to get home a point that I have made that still stands.

I have also had a few entries that literally took the very day we were on during the year, and looked back at what I wrote for that very day in the past.

But today, I am going to look back at what I said about the resurgent Stormy Daniels, the woman former President Donald Trump allegedly had an affair with and allegedly was paid off for her peccadilloes with him, embroiling the former President in further shenanigans that could lead to him “being arrested” today, in his own words.

If that actually happens, New York City is trying to prevent another January 6 in its environs, so they have stepped up security at hot spots in Manhattan … and all because Trump probably couldn’t keep his pants on when he somehow got involved in this alleged extramarital affair.

Here is what I first said about Daniels in Rant #2,101, just slightly more than five years to the day on March 18, 2018:

“And as you know, Stormy Daniels is simply a stage name for Stephanie Gregory Clifford, a Southern Belle from Louisiana who began her career as a stripper in Louisiana at the ripe old age of 17.

She supposedly chose her stage name due to her adoration of rock band Motley Cure, and specifically of Nikki Six (another stage name), who named his daughter Stormy.

Her last name was "borrowed" from her beverage of choice, Jack Daniels.

And after numerous porn films, you get an actress at the top of her profession (I will leave you to determine what that means in this particular case).

So in Stormy Daniels, you have someone who named herself after someone's kid, but that someone himself uses a stage name, and after a beverage that when abused, has gotten a lot of people into a lot of trouble.

And she is a porn star to boot.

Oh yeah, all of this proves her credibility, for sure!

But again, if she looked like Olive Oyl, nobody would care.

Yes, she has had a good amount of plastic surgery, but she is a beautiful woman, and say what you want about the current landscape, but people tend to believe those that possess the level of beauty that Daniels possesses.

That is, for better or worse, the way the world has worked for centuries, and it isn't going to change anytime soon.”

Then, I had the audacity to mention her again in Rant #2,139, May 8, 2018, when I was doing a “Bits and Pieces” entry and Daniels was at the height of her news fame:

“And no, I don't want to talk about the beyond-and-way past-15-minutes-of-fame Stormy Daniels at all, but since she simply cannot get out of the news, I figure a nice picture of this individual might be some good eye candy for the morning. So yes, I am being a hypocrite for putting her photo up and keeping her on the blog's radar, but here she is, in almost all her glory.”

I put up a very nice photo of her, not quite in all her glory but as close as I can do that in this column without making this an X-rated blog.

I will give her one thing … plastic surgery or not, she was a beautiful woman, but all that work has to sag, and it has, mirroring her newsworthiness over the past few years.

As Daniels faded in and out of the news pretty much as quickly as her plastic surgery began to implode on her, here is what I said about her on October 26, 2022, in Rant #3,001, where I looked at stories in my Yahoo News page for the day:

“And talk about exploitation, we now have the return of porn starlet/supposed Trump bed buddy Stormy Daniels in the breaking news story “Stormy Daniels Sets the Record Straight On Trump, Plastic Surgery and Misinformation: ‘There’s Just So Much That People Didn’t Know.’"

In this fascinating story, Daniels, among other things, describes her life beyond the bed, telling us that she is not just an actress but a director and writer evidently of high renown, and she also tells the world that she has names for her breast implants just as any lady would: “Thunder” and “Lightening” [sic}.”

I mentioned Daniels in passing a few times since, usually pairing her name with the word “nonsense,” as in “Stormy Daniels nonsense,” but I think I mentioned Elizabeth Hurley a lot more than Daniels over the past few years, another entry with absolutely no talent beyond her good looks who somehow frequently gets on my Yahoo News feed.

So the less said about Stormy Daniels—and yes, the less said about Donald Trump—the better … although I just broke that goal by talking about both of them in today’s column.

But at least I had my (new) pants on when I did so.

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