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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Rant #3,074: Up, Up and Away

“It is balloon … !”

That was a cry heard on the old “F Troop” TV show from way back when, but now, that cry has become the national obsession, as in—

“What is that thing floating in the air?”

Ever since we discovered that China has been looking at us through surveillance balloons for at least the past few years, and we actually shot one of their balloons down, all of us seem to be looking to the sky, and seeing if we can see one of these balloons hovering above us.

The U.S. has shot down at least three other balloons, but these other ones don’t appear to be anywhere near as complex—and evil—as the one Chinese one we shot down …

And then we heard that these balloons have been hovering about since at least the Trump Administration was in power, and maybe even before that.

The White House says that they are surveillance balloons, not extraterrestrial or UFOs in nature—

And then the Chinese said that our government also sends over such balloons to spy on them.

Our government, under great pressure to do something once the first balloon was sighted, shoot down these balloons in desolate areas or over water so as not to have the falling debris hit anyone on the ground.

Now, I am not an aviation expert at all, but shouldn’t we have technology to capture these things intact, so not only don’t we have to shoot them down, but we gather the entire mechanism, so we can gain knowledge of exactly what these balloons are doing, rather try to put together the puzzle in pieces?

Perhaps we can’t do that just yet, but it was a thought that ran through my head and is probably something that ran through your heads too.

Years ago—and I mean, it must have been at least 35 to 40 years ago—I was coming home from somewhere very early in the morning, like at 2 a.m. or 3 a.m.

I was not far away from home, but as I was driving on one of the connecting blocks to where I live, I saw something in the sky.

It was cylindrical, and went from side to side in my view from the car, with precision and ease.

I got home and pretty much went to bed with the thought that I had seen something weird in the sky, but then I read in the local newspaper that I wasn’t the only one to see this thing, and people made calls in the middle of the night to the police about it, saying that they saw a UFO.

A police spokesman later said that it was a weather balloon, and nothing more than that, but if you think that I and the others who called the police actually believed that explanation, I have the proverbial bridge to sell you.

But now I wonder: was it a UFO … or was some country spying on us through the air?

I know, it is all kind of weird, but I know what I saw, and I have my doubts that it was a weather balloon.

But it truly begs the question: how long has this type of aerial spying actually been going on, and have all of those “UFO” sightings that are made each and every year actually sightings of spy aircraft—or even aircraft that our country is launching and testing in our own skies?

Who really knows, and the people who actually do know aren’t going to tell us about it anyway.

But wouldn’t it be interesting if those UFOs and flying saucers and all of that other stuff have actually been aerial spying devices all along?

That kind of puts the pin to the bubble of those who believe that we aren’t the only “beings” in the universe, and that others have come to visit us through the years.

It also kind of puts a little bug in our head, doesn’t it?

Those little green Martians that we theorize have been here and back in their flying saucers are nothing more than spy devices from other countries, or even from the good old U.S. of A.

It is almost kind of disappointing, isn’t it?

But whatever it is, I hope our government takes a little more caution with these things, because who really knows what damage they can do related to intelligence and thus, to our nation.

Little green men?

Sorry, the country maybe doesn’t believe that hooey anymore.

Find out what these things really are and take care of them, and let’s not let them wander our airspace like we did with that one last week.

It is all kind of funny, but when you really look at it, it is problem far from being simply one full of hot air.

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