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Friday, December 2, 2022

Rant #3,022: Yesterday

I am finally back!
And yes, I know that I am late today with my December 2 blog entry, but not only did I sleep late, but my computer was giving me problems in starting up, problems that have not gone away, but have actually gotten worse.
I think I understand them better now based on what happened yesterday and today, but more on that later.
And it is funny how you will see the term “yesterday and today” wafting throughout this blog entry today.
Anyway, the short cruise we took to Bermuda was a good trip away for a few days.
Bermuda is a beautiful island, more European than other similar islands that we have been to on cruises, and while it wasn’t that hot while we were there—it was only in the low-to-mid 70s—it was nice enough to get in the water to do some swimming after a summer where our pool never really was usable.
We went on the Norwegian Cruise Line’s Joy ship, and it was a nice ship, with just about everything one could want on a boat like this.
We saw a couple of really nice shows while we were aboard in between and around the two days we spent in Bermuda—among them a magic act, a Broadway songs medley, and two Beatles shows featuring The Beatles Revolution, a Fab Four looalike/soundalike band that was really quite good.
The food was generally very good, the service was not as good as we had experienced before—labor shortage?—but really, nothing that terrible for a five-day vacation.
About the food and my fellow cruisers ... I did not see the gorging that I have seen on other such trips, which was a welcome sight. I remember on other cruises, people were just taking food off the buffet like they hadn’t eaten in ages—in particular bacon, which some people used to pile higher than their belly buttons. There was none of that on this cruise, or maybe I just didn’t see it.

Maybe it had to do with COVID ... people toned down on some of their usual cruising habits, or at least some did. While the boat's restrictions were few--the usual "Washee Washee" stuff, and little else--some people did take advantage, drinking like no tomorrow and smoking in the rooms--yes, the funny stuff too--which I did smell while sitting on our balcony a few times.

But that really was pretty minor, when you take the entire cruise into consideration.
The cruise was so good that I still feel myself rocking like I was still on the sea, and yes, some of our voyage was pretty rocky, so much so that the barf bags came out by the second or third day for those who needed them.
But I didn’t really sleep the entire cruise … maybe one night or possibly two of OK sleep, but the rest of the time, I was pretty wide awake … and that brings me back to that term I mentioned earlier, “yesterday and today,” and in this case, “Yesterday … and Today,” the 1966 Beatles album that featured the song “Yesterday.”
Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away.
Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.”
Yes, those lyrics were going in and out of my mind throughout my sleep during the cruise.
I simply could not relax, knowing that when the cruise was over, I was coming back to the same problems that I left back home for the five days asea.
In fact, yesterday, I slept maybe three hours as we came back to port in New York. I was up all night, and finally took a shower and got dressed at about 4 a.m.
Maybe it was the influence of the Beatles band that we saw, but I simply could not get out of my mind all the problems that were happening at home.
And here I am at home, and “Yesterday” still goes through my mind, because as the song said, those problems did not go away, and they are still here …
Not that I thought that they would go away, but at least I figured that for five days, they would be in the back of my mind.
No such luck.
Yesterday—again that Beatles reference—my computer turned on just fine, but today, it took me about 10 times to get it going, and I finally think I know why.
It is somehow tied into the iMac mouse, which is old and needs replacing.
But at least when it was plugged into the computer the unit would turn on, eventually.
I finally switched mouses to a non-iMac mouse—just a standard mouse that can be used on any keyboard—and the machine simply would not boot up.
Once I switched mouses back again and the iMac mouse was in place, it took two times to start it up, so that leads me to believe that the health of the mouse is somehow tied into the booting up of the computer.
It should not be that way but it is, so my next mission is to replace the iMac mouse, which by the way, has a right click that finally gave out on me the other day, so the function that creates folders and helps you do other things has left the building.
So with everything going on at home, yes, I am glad to be back, but honestly …
“Oh, I believe in yesterday.”
Have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

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