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Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Rant #3,010: It's Over (?)

Election Day is over, and finally, we can escape those TV ads that run incessantly leading up to the big day, which are annoying as can be, no matter who they are touting and bashing.
In New York, voters once again proved that they are the most ignorant electorate on the planet, giving thumb’s up to a governor that they will be the first to bash when things go awry.
That is the New York way, but that is a story for another time.
As I told you yesterday, I voted early, and I visited the election site a total of three times—voting myself the first time, and brining my mother and my son there two separate times.
They got to know me there, but a funny thing happened when I took my son to the polling place.
My son attempted to sign in, and at first they could not find his name, but after repeated tries, they finally found it.
The worker told me that she kept on typing in the wrong name with the wrong spelling because she “had been up since 2 a.m. because I thought I would not be here on time.”
OK, I will buy that, it is a long day for these workers.
But then, I mentioned that my son is developmentally disabled, and I have to accompany him to the voting area not to tell him who to vote for, but just to make sure he votes each category of candidates, blackens in the circles so that the reader can read it, and to remind him to vote for any measures that need voting on.
They said that was not a problem, but then the other worker at the desk we were at handed not only my son a ballot, but me too.
She said that I could have my son vote and then vote myself.
Being the honest guy I am, I reminded her that I had already voted … but the truth of the matter is that I could have voted twice yesterday, and nobody would have noticed.
There were voting problems around the country yesterday, and some tallies are going to be delayed because of these problems.
Do I believe former President Trump who said the vote was rigged tduring his second Presidential run?
No, I don’t, but are there discrepancies? Do some people vote more than once? Do people who are not citizens sometimes vote?
Yes, I do believe that, and if I had any doubt, then what happened yesterday, or what could have happened yesterday, helped me determine that our vote has denigrated to something akin to third-world tallies.
Enough to turn over an election?
Probably not (sorry, Donald).
But enough that it kind of worries me, and should kind of worry everybody.
It just seemed that things were better when we had those “antiquated” voting machines, which personally, I think were better than these paper ballots are now.
It made the whole process “sexier,” pulling the handle, the curtain closed, and you were in your own election world, pushing down those latches to vote for your choices.
And if you made an error, the latch simply needed to be pushed back up, and you could make another choice.
And if you had a write-in choice, there was that place near the top of the voting machine that you could write the choice in and have it tallied, just like the others, simply by pulling that handle back and leaving the voting area when you were done.
Today, it just seems so haphazard … and you just know that since I could have voted twice, probably many others around not only in my area but around the country got in more than one vote.
Again, not enough to topple an election (sorry, Donald), but enough to scare voters.
But that being what it is, we have gotten like a third-world country anyway with our voting.
It used to be that generally, we would find out pretty quickly who won and who lost, but today, in some races and some localities, we often have to wait days and weeks before the finally tallies are made, for a variety of reasons.
That, to me, is not the American Way, and when we were able to learn quickly the outcome of the election made our elections unique.
Now, we are just like everyone else around the world, sitting and waiting for the final tallies.
Whatever the case, I voted, I hope that you did too, and those who were voted in are all on a collective mandate to make our country a better place to live in—and they had better deliver, if for nothing else than the sake of our country, still the greatest country in the world. 

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