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Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Rant #2,933: You Really Know How To Hurt a Guy

Well. The pain continues …
Right now as you are reading this, I am at the car care place, the place where I bought my car in 2014 after my accident, because of something so ridiculous, something that no one ever thinks anything about, but lo and behold, I have to get my car fixed because of it.
Do you know what or even where the door jamb of your car is?
The door jamb pretty much connects your car door to the rest of the door area when it is closed.
It is a rubber piece on the door, and when the door is closed, it connects with the rest of the door portion of the car to make a snug fit.
However, though use, it can degrade and not provide that seal anymore.
Believe me, I knew nothing about this at all, until my door warning light would not go off on my dashboard, and the roof lights in my car would not go out.
The car was drive-able, but I guess you could say that it was annoying to have everything askew like this.
So I made an appointment to get it fixed, both for my front driver’s side door on the left and the passenger side on the left too.
I mean, does anyone even ever think of this part of the car at all?
Well, it is fouling up my driving experience, so onto the dealer I go.
I figure that they would have the exact part that is needed, or knew exactly what to do, rather then bring it to a non-dealer car care place that might have never or at least rarely ever thought about such a car part.
I mean, I cannot get a break.
I got my computer to work—and the exterior hard drive too--with some major effort yesterday, and all I have been doing, in between everything else, is downloading files that I have so that when it is a wrap on both devices, I still have everything I need to get new devices ready to go.
I even digitized one more record, I guess for old time’s sake.
The name—and I did not pick this on purpose—was “You Really Know How To Hurt a Guy” by Jan and Dean.
How appropriate, but it honestly was the next one in my digitizing cue.
I also had my other chores to do yesterday—including do some work, of course, where I edited one story and wrote one other—so once again, I had a full day yesterday.
Let’s just hope that the door jamb is all it is with the car, because if it isn’t, I might just jump into my unusable pool and not come up for air.
Just joking, but I have had it this week … and we aren’t even at Friday yet.
When it rains, it pours, and this week, it has been a tsunami for me, that’s for sure.
Everything I touch beaks down, so I guess I amwhat you call “King Midas in reverse” or a very understated case of “golden hands,” but whatever it is, why do I feel like Pigpen in the Charlie Brown comic strip, walking around with a perpetual cloud over his head?
Right now, I can’t get a break at all.
I really need a magic lamp and a genie—preferably Barbara Eden’s “Jeannie,” but beggars can’t be choosersI guess—to grant me three wishes.
Wish #1: No more war, all peace, and health, to everyone.
Wish #2: Lots of legal money in my bank account, meaning maybe $1 billion to keep me going as an old fogey into my twilight years.

Wish #3: A good computer, one that will work without problems, and that goes for a car, too, and since I am wishing, how about a pool?
I know that the genie—or Jeannie—will take me literally, so I have to be careful on what I wish for.
But on the surface, that is what I want, need, desire … and maybe deserve at this point in time.
But since there is no genie--or Jeannie—in sight, all I want is for a computer that works, and a car that work correctly, too.
But whatever the case, here I sit, and I just need a new door jamb.
And if it is anything worse, I might just jamb myself, jam up and jelly tight, into the door myself.
I can’t take it no more, I really can’t.


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