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Thursday, March 10, 2022

Rant #2,849: Animal House

Yes, I overslept pretty badly today.
And then I got hit with a couple of things that I had to do before writing this daily Rant, including cleaning up outside as the feral animals had their way with our garbage.
They are out even earlier this year to do their destruction, as the weather has been really inconsistent and crazy during this nearly-over winter.
We had a day in the 70s just recently, and yesterday, we had snow, rain and ice all mixed into one weather day.
Today it is pretty warm out and very foggy.
All that it amounts to is that the hibernation period for these pests has been upset, and once they are up and about, they look to eat, and they look to garbage to find their meals and fill their tummies.
They destroy the garbage cans, they rip into the bags, and they leave a mess for humans like me to clean up.
And humans like me can’t do a darn thing about it.
In New York State, Gov. Mario Cuomo declared a generation ago that these animals are protected, and that you cannot poison, shoot or otherwise harm them in any way.
Even if they destroy your garbage, eat at parts of your house, and use your grass as a grazing area, you cannot do anything about it.
The state does allow you to set up mechanisms to cage them, but my nearly 91-year-old mother is not going to set up a cage like this, nor am I.
I guess that the protection of feral animals is just part of suburban living.
What I don’t understand are other human beings who become enablers by feeding these pests.
I have been on the line in the supermarket where people actually go out of their way to buy these varmints food, which they put out so these feral pests have something to eat.
Wouldn’t their money be better spent in feeding hungry humans?
All they are doing is enabling these pests to live and further destroy things … and I guess if they fed some humans that needed food, they would probably be doing the same thing, being enablers so these people could continue to live on the street.
So give to a human food pantry then, where you know the food that you are donating will go to people who actually need it big time.
Don’t waste your money and buy food for feral animals, who live off what they can find and destroy the environment in the process.
In my neck of the woods, we have cats and squirrels and possums and other animals which feed off of the generosity of morons, and these are the same animals that destroy our garbage pails and lawns and whatever else they can get their paws on.
This has been going on for ages, one of the legacies of the former governor that I really wish would change, in favor of humans, after all of these years.
His son might not be able to keep his hands off other humans, but Mario Cuomo decided it was “hands off” of these feral animals.
What can a suburbanite do?
Really, nothing, nothing at all.
You just have to learn to live with it,, look at it as an annoyance, and roll with the flow, baby!
You can actually serve jail time if you break the law against these animals, but you just know that there are people who would risk it just to get rid of these pests once and for all.
I know that I have tried using special bags to protect the garbage, supposedly bags that repel these pests, but it simply does not work.
I have tried pouring bleach on the garbage bags, and it does work for a short time, but once the animals get used to the smell—and I guess the taste—of the bleach, that supposed remedy goes out the window.
You can’t even secure the garbage pails with a firm cover, because the animals rip off the covers with ease, or they knock over the barrels so that the covers come off, allowing them to feast on whatever is in the bags in the pails.
So there really is nothing one can do to get rid of these things.
If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know, because quite frankly, I am completely out of ideas … other than to store the garbage in our closed garage until pickup day.
That is the one solution that works …
Other than the fact that it brings bugs into the garage and possibly into our house, so I go from one varmint to another by doing this.
No, you really can’t win. 

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