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Monday, February 28, 2022

Rant #2,842: Stop Stop Stop

Will wonders never cease?
This past Friday, my family and I finally received our coronavirus test kits from the federal government.
Now, we have the ability to test for something that we probably will never have to self-test for, something that perhaps we could have used six months ago but now … just something else to take up space in our house.
And reports are that millions of these tests sit waiting for people to order them, but with the pandemic turning into an endemic … well, nobody wants them, because the panic period has passed, no matter how much our officials want us to still be in panic mode over this thing.
Rates have dropped all over the country, mask mandates are pretty much being put on the shelf, and pretty much the general public itself has determined that enough is enough, that we now have the tools to fight this thing, and even though our supposed leaders evidently want this thing to go on in perpetuity, the real danger appears to be over.
So as I said previously both here and to others, the test kits will be a relic of the time, and one day, we will all find our kits, maybe put out a little giggle, and say, “Remember when … ?”
We now have a bigger virus to face, and that is Putin and the Russians, who have decided that they can simply walk in and take over a country and try to bring back what was once the USSR.
That is certainly a bigger virus than the coronavirus ever was, but if they take the Ukraine, what else do they think they can take?
That is the problem puzzling world leaders, who are throwing sanctions at Putin while they paint him as a current version of Hitler, someone with a Napoleonic complex who will stop at nothing to gain countries as if he were collecting baseball cards.
Funny, we have been so divided in this country about the coronavirus, but we finally have a subject that we all seem to be on the same page about, and that is stopping Russia from extending itself at the expense of the people of these innocent countries.
It is a sad state of affairs when we are brought together by a war that has nothing directly to do with us, but that is what is happening now.
Protests across our country—and across our world—show that Russia and Putin are the #1 enemies of our civilization right now, and this belief has brought together people from all backgrounds, all races and religions … everyone seems to have joined together to protests Russia’s moves, but isn’t it sad that a war with guns and tanks has gotten us on the same page rather than a war with inoculations and supposed science?
Yup, it doesn’t make sense, but in a strange way, it does.
Sure, as Americans this is NOT our war, and we can send over any amount of money that we want to, and any amount of arms and weapons, but we should not actually physically enter this war in any way, shape or form.
Let’s remember Afghanistan and while we are at it, let’s also remember Vietnam.
The American people will have to put up with some nuisances if Russia moves ahead right now, but although we don’t like to be paying exorbitant prices at the pump, we can handle that, as long as no Americans are sacrificed in this conflict.
I do hope our leaders understand that, and understand that if you want to take us off the same page, all you have to do is to get us involved with boots on the ground, and you think you saw protests during the coronavirus?
Well, God forbid if that happens, well, as the old song goes, “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet.”
The sanctions we and the rest of the world are launching should be enough for Putin to get hit in the gut; it won’t help the Ukraine right now, but it will prevent this imbecile from gong further … we have to hope.
And we do have to hope this, because if he decides to push further and gain more countries and more territory, those coronavirus kits are not going to help us even one little bit.
I don’t even want to think what could actually help us, but let’s just hope that he comes to his senses and listens to his own people—many of whom have taken to the streets to protest their own country’s moves—and pulls back.

There is supposedly a meeting happening now between Russian and Ukrainian officials, and maybe simple negotiations can stem this thing in the bud, but there are still lingering fears about what Russia could do if they don't get their way, or even if they do.
And with his nuclear threat, if it comes to light, we might just need to mask up again for our own safety.
Putin is nuts, we have no idea where he plans to take this sudden urge to add pieces to his collection, and he needs to be stopped before he can continue to do what he doing right now.
He has become the world’s Public Enemy #1, and like with any other person in that category, he needs to be stopped pretty much by any means possible … and you just know that there are some people, somewhere, probably thinking—and plotting for--the same thing.

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