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Friday, January 28, 2022

Rant #2,822: I Don't Wanna See You

Yes, I overslept, but at least I know why …
My body is telling me something …
My eyes are watery, my nose is running like a faucet …
I feel slightly off right now …
It can only mean one thing …
No, that one thing IS NOT COVID …
It is that a storm is approaching, a storm is on its way, and my body is giving me the alert to be ready for it.
This usually happens to me, as I am a very allergic person, and when there is some type of weather thing going to happen, my body pretty much tells me to be on the alert.
The worst of this will leave me in about two hours or so, but right now, I really can’t see too well, I keep on blowing my nose, and my mouth is dry as the Sahara Desert.
So I know a weather disturbance is coming our way, and evidently, I am not the only one who knows this.
Weather forecasters have been telling us for about a week that “a major snowstorm/Nor’easter” is on its way, and that Long Island is smack dab in the middle of its most major thrust.
Depending on who you listen to, we are going to get anywhere from six to 24 inches of snow, and all of this will be buffeted by winds of 60 mph or even higher than that in certain spots.
It is all going to begin tonight, picking up in intensity around midnight, and drop like two inches an hour for a period of time, making Saturday a day to let the snow come down all day, and then basically clean up on Sunday.
No, I am not looking forward to any of this, as it simply becomes nothing better than a major nuisance tor myself and my family, in particular the clean up.
And isn’t it funny that each and every gas station around me raised their prices the last day or so, to help us to prepare for the storm by taking more money out of our pockets?
I planned to go to one gas station that I pass when I take my son to work. They had the cheapest price that I could find, so since I needed gas anyway, I figured that after dropping him off, I would fill my tank up.
I drove to the station, pulled in, and saw that in a period of 10 minutes or so, they raised the price by 12 cents!
They lost my business right then and there, I pulled out of the station, and I went somewhere else to fill up.
That is price gouging at its worst, but who you gonna call on this?
Certainly not Ghostbusters … are there any Gasbusters out there?
And I also noticed that prices continued to spiral upward at the supermarket.
I don’t know if this has to do with the impending snowstorm or simply because inflation is really and truly out of control right now, but yesterday, I spent more in one supermarket visit than I have ever spent, and I do mean EVER.
And it was about $30 more than I spent the previous week, so things have been going bad at the supermarket for quite a while … but yesterday was the absolute pits … and I even actually used a coupon with my purchase, the first time I have used a coupon in months.

It didn't help much.
You just cannot win … and then we have the white stuff to contend with, too.
And to contend with that impending horror show, one of the things that I am going to have to do is move our cars into the driveway, so that our driveway is not blanketed with snow and also so the snow plows can get through to do their jobs.
I have already moved my mother’s car into the driveway, since she rarely uses her car anyway.
Next is my wife’s car, and then mine.
At least it makes shoveling our property a little bit easier, and it allows the plows to go through so they can clean the roads as best they can … and also so they don’t bury our cars with snow that they move over to the sides of the road.
I simply hate all of this, every bit of it.
Show is no fun, but we are going to get it whether I like it or not.
And with the winds, hopefully we won’t lose power.
That, itself, can even be more disastrous than the snow.
So stay warm, stay out of the snow, and try to have a good weekend.
I will speak to you again on Monday, and hopefully, my snow report won’t be that bad.
But my allergies tell me that it will be bad.
I blow my nose again, and that stuff tells me so.

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