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Thursday, October 21, 2021

Rant #2,755: The Name Game

So while I was away for a day, I heard the big news.
Facebook plans to change its name.
I know that it is nowhere near April Fool’s Day on the calendar, but evidently, the social media site, which has been under a lot of scrutiny lately, is going to change its moniker as early as next week.
Will this be a complete rebrand of the site, which some have labeled as being dangerous, especially for those so mentally impaired that they let it ruin their lives and blame Mark Zuckerberg’s site for everything that is wrong in the world?
Let me tell you, I have been involved in a few fracases on Facebook in the years that I have used it, but if you use it correctly, and don’t take it that seriously regarding yourself, then it is really a great place to talk about things that you want to talk about, meet up with old friends, and maybe even do something constructive.
It only becomes evil when people abuse its existence, and blame it for their own life's ills.
If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen, and in many cases, Facebook is the kitchen.
Me, I use it as a tool to get people to read my blog, or they can just read what I have to say on Facebook itself.
I constantly put up my opinions on the site, and I never said you have to agree with me, just read what I have to say.
I have had to block some people on Facebook, and I have the feeling that many people have blocked me too.
Several years ago, someone with major mental problems that I barely knew from my old neighborhood in Queens threatened me with bodily harm for something I said, which I guess offended him so much.
I reported him to the Facebook police, who did nothing about it, so I simply blocked the person, and it did the trick; I haven’t heard from him in years.
Otherwise, I have met up with old friends on the site, run a couple of Facebook sites myself where I have met up with new “friends,” and sure, every once in a while I have a problem, but it is generally minor, like when someone doesn’t agree with my viewpoint and they get all hot and bothered by it.
And yes, I have blocked people like that idiot I just told you about, but my main blocks have to do with people who spout off like Mount Vesuvius and really have no clue how to really use Facebook as an open forum.
But I guess that a lot of people have had problems with it, so it has become so popular that it regularly comes under scrutiny.
Changing its name isn’t going to do anything; it has to change its very being to really “change” things, and I don’t see how that will work.
Will it become a pay site, or at least a site with tiers, where those who pay get the most out of the site, and those who don’t can only use the site sparingly?
That might be a solution for the amount of kids and others who have no understanding of how to use Facebook in a positive way to stay off of it.
Making it a pay site would probably spell the end of Facebook as we know it, because free sites will l spring up out of nowhere because, quite frankly, who wants to pay for Facebook?
If it had been a pay site, I, personally, would never have gone onto it.
But back to the name change … what do you call something that used to be known as Facebook?
Do you do what celebrities do, and shorten the name, like “FaBoo” or something like that.
Do you simply give it another name, like maybe Charles, Janet, or heck, even Larry?
Or do you change its name to something that would make Kanye West, or whatever he calls himself now, very proud?
Funny, even if it changes its name, people will still refer to it as “Facebook.”
People still call “Dunkin’: by its original name, “Dunklin’ Donuts,” so why should they all of a sudden call Facebook “FaBoo” or whatever its new name is?
It’s the real name game,and before Facebook decides on a name, Zuckerberg should look back on the song “The Name Game” by Shirley Ellis, and pick Facebook’s new name very carefully …
I mean, look what that song did to the name Chuck.
“Chuck, Buck Bo Buck
Banana Fana Fo Fu—“
Nope, I am not going there, and neither should Facebook.

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