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Friday, September 24, 2021

Rant #2,739: Lyin' Eyes

More lies, more untruths, more bending of the truth …
Yes, we are in for a further run of this nonsense, since the Centers For Disease Control )CDC) –or does CDC stand for the Centers For Disease Conundrum--has told us that certain members of our society need a coronavirus booster shot RIGHT NOW, and that others will need the shot later.
First off, what is a booster shot? What is a booster shot for not just the coronavirus, but simply, what is a booster shot?
A booster dose of any shot is supposed to provide added protection for those who already have their shot(s) against a particular disease.
It is supposed to bolster what you already have, complement what you already have, but it is not supposed to be a strict “third dose” of the shot that you already have in you. It is supposed to be a lesser, complementary dose, nothing more or less.
It is almost like the air bags you have in your car. You are protected in your car by the very makeup of the car in case of an accident, and you are also protected by wearing a seat belt.
The air bag further protects you from an accident by emerging when the force on your car is such that it is needed.
It is the same thing for a booster shot.
A booster shot is not supposed to be another full shot of the same thing you already have in you, but the powers that be and the CDC have decided that once again, they are going to misappropriate a word and use it for their own benefit.
First, they appropriated the word “vaccine” for the original coronavirus shots, telling people that if you got the shots, you would be fully protected against getting COVID-19.
We already know that that was a lie from the beginning, and that while the shots might mitigate the adverse reaction you might get from contracting the virus, it no more protects you from the elements of the virus—and your possibility of getting it—than an upturned umbrella protects you from getting wet in a rainstorm.
Well, now we have the “booster” shots, which are being marketed as “add-ons” to the two shots you already have in you, but are actually a full third coronavirus inoculation.
And this is not the way it is supposed to be.
According to the UChicagoMedicine website (, a booster dose and a third dose are not supposed to be the same thing:
“A booster is given to people who got a full course of a vaccine and developed a good response. For some vaccines, antibodies and other aspects of a person’s initially strong immune response start to decrease (or wane) over time. When that happens, people are offered booster doses to pump their immune response back to previous levels.
Unlike boosters, third/additional doses of COVID-19 vaccines are for people who received the complete starter series of vaccines but then their immune systems didn’t have a good enough response. Evidence shows these are generally people whose immune systems are weaker. That’s why the FDA and CDC are recommending an additional dose for immunocompromised individuals.”
So, my friends, when you get a “booster” dose of the shot, you are actually getting a third dose of the coronavirus “vaccine,” and that is not what the “booster” dose—and booster dose for any disease--is supposed to be.
And how many “booster” shots will there be; I can see the day very clearly when we are told we need a fourth dose, which means the fifth and sixth doses are right around the corner, too.
This all came into play for me the past few days.
When “booster” doses were released to certain members of the public, my 90-year-old mother—who had gotten her first two doses of the “vaccine” in February during the tumultuous period—said that she wanted to get the “booster” shot.
I called around, and found one local drug store that was giving the shot. Other local drug stores stated that they were waiting for further guidance before offering the extra shot.
However, right on its website of the pharmacy that was giving the shot, it said that booster shots were still being studied, and that we should check back at a later date to find out where that stood.
Now, we already knew that my mother’s friend—a woman in her late 80s, and like my mother, in good health—had received the shot from the same drug store, so I called them up on the phone, because of the discrepancy, and because I had no idea where or how to apply for the next shot if it was available.
After waiting five minutes on the phone, someone picked up, and told me that yes, they were giving this shot, but you could only get an appointment through the online site.
I brought up two things: 1) since the shot was being given to mainly seniors, why were they going the Internet route again; hadn’t they learned anything from the chaos that ensued last February and March when seniors had no idea how to make an appointment for the shot, and 2) why does the website state that nothing is set about the “booster” shot, yet your pharmacy is giving it?
The pharmacist or whoever I spoke to talked herself into a paper bag, talking like a politician and not answering any of my questions with anything much more than “because, that’s why.”
But I did get out of her that the “booster” was a full shot, which I refuted, and I did find out that you had to apply online in the “vaccination” part of the website, even though, as I said, the site literally said to come back at a later date to find out about “booster” availability.
So I made an appointment for my mother to get the “booster” yesterday during the late afternoon, and I asked the person giving her the shot about the “booster.”
He plainly told me that the booster is, yes, simply a third shot of the coronavirus “vaccine,” and that there is no difference from the earlier shots and this one.
I told him that that wasn’t correct, or at least what I had read tells me that this isn’t correct, and he reiterated that the “booster” was simply a third coronavirus shot.
You can call it what you want, but it is being marketed as a “booster,” not a third coronavirus shot, which it evidently is.
And you wonder why half the population won’t even get the first shot!
We have been lied to from day one about this virus, and the lies and mistruths and bending of the truth continues to this moment.
I do believe that if we were told the truth about the inoculations from the beginning, probably 90 percent of the population would have gotten their shots—but there are people who have seen through this from the beginning.
Don’t blame those who haven’t even gotten the first shot for the problems we are having now; blame the supposed “experts” and elected leaders who continue to doubletalk us ad nauseum because they so want us to comply with their orders.
And then, let me tell you about my MRI on my right leg …
Have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

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