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Monday, August 23, 2021

Rant #2,717: Happy Man

On August 23, 1995, it was a normal Wednesday for most people.
I am sure that if you can think back that far, you probably went about your day, everything was hunky dory, and the day probably blended into every other day of the week pretty seamlessly.
Not for myself or my wife.
That day will always live in our hearts and minds as one very special day, as our son was born on this day, 26 years ago today.
I remember the whole thing like it happened yesterday, and I know I have told the stories before, so I am not going to bore you by retelling them.
Let’s look at other things that happened that day that impacted others in a general sense.
Let’s see …
According to the “On This Day” website (, actor Larry Hagman of “I Dream of Jeannie” and “Dallas” fame received a liver transplant on this day.
The Cleveland Indians’ pitcher Jose Mesa recorded his 38th consecutive save, a then-record-setting performance.
Also, a couple of supposedly famous people died; the only one that I have heard of was Alfred Eisenstaedt, a German-American photojournalist most famous for his VJ picture of the serviceman and the lady kissing in Times Square. He passed away at age 96.
Looking back 26 years, according to the “Taste of Home” website ( here were the prices we were paying for the basics:
Milk: $2.50 per gallon
Eggs: 92 cents per dozen
Bread: 89 cents per loaf
Ground beef: $1.49 per pound
But to my wife and I, all these things did not matter one bit that day, because on that day, our lives changed forever.
My wife became a parent for the first time, me for the second time, and we now had that so-called “Nuclear Family,” with a mother, father, daughter and son in tow.
Well, at least on paper it was a “Nuclear Family,” because my daughter lived with her mother, but heck, it was as close as we were going to come, so it was good enough.
I just remember how small my son was … I literally could hold him in the palm of my hand.
And I remember the birth so well, because I was there and I assisted.
When my daughter was born, it was through Caesarian Section, so there was only so much the doctors would let me do to assist, but here, it went pretty smoothly, and I did what I was supposed to do, and it is just something that I will never forget.
The miracle of birth is just that … a miracle.
And when you see it up close, you understand just what a miracle it really is.
Our son has grown up to be a fine young man, hurdling over obstacles and doing way better than the so-called experts said he would.
He continues to have hurdles put in front of him on almost a daily basis, but he seems to be able to maneuver around them with our help and his own intelligence, and underneath it all, he is pretty much an average guy, working hard and enjoying life’s pleasures, which for him is professional wrestling.
We all have our go-to things, things that make us relax, and his go-to thing has been pro wrestling since he was about eight years old or so.
He simply loves it, can watch John Cena and Roman Reigns and all the others endlessly, and with the proliferation of pro wrestling on television, this is really a golden age for him to enjoy what he likes to do.
He also plays sports—bowling and basketball—and we are anxiously awaiting the beginning of those leagues, as he has had the summer off from them, and as they deal with the latest upticks in COVID-19 and how they are going to proceed through the pandemic.
So this weekend, we had a little barbecue in his honor, just my wife, my mother and myself with him, and it kind of got messed up by the coming of the rain on Saturday before Hurricane Henri, so I cooked outside and brought everything I cooked into the house.
It worked out fine, but we just wish the weather could have been a bit better.
Today, we will have a cake to celebrate the occasion, and he will receive his gifts and have a great day.
The age of 26 allows him to reach another milestone; he cannot be on my wife's health plan anymore, so he is on his own in this regard at the end of the month, so he will now be responsible for all of his health circumstances, at least financially, from September on for the rest of his life.
So in a way, it is a really big birthday for him.
What does the future hold?
My wife and I believe that he will continue to jump over barrels and things in his way, and continue to succeed beyond the wildest dreams of what some of the so-called experts said way back when.
So good luck to our son on his special day, and we wish him many more successes as life continues to unfold for him.
He is certainly up to the task.

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