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Friday, April 28, 2017

Rant #1,893: Happy Birthday, Sweet 60

Today, I have reached the ripe young age of 60 years old.

I can't believe it, to be honest with you.

It seems like yesterday that I was playing with my friends in the dirt with our toy trucks, or playing a pickup basketball game in the park, or studying for my bar mitzvah, or even preparing for my wedding, where I married the girl of my dreams nearly 24 years ago.

Heck, 24 years ago, I was 36 years old.

And I must have thought that that age was old at one time in my life, probably when I was playing with the toy trucks in the dirt.

Today I am 60.

I have had an interesting life, certainly not one that will ever go up on the big or little screen, or in a best-selling book, but a fun life nonetheless.

I had an absolutely fantastic childhood. Sure, there were challenges here and there, but the stuff I experienced--both personally and just being around during that period in our history--the people I knew and still know, really, the whole ball of wax, was just incredible.

When you are right in the middle of it, it is hard to see from the outside looking in, but when you grow older, and can take a step back and look at all of these things … well, it was truly incredible.

Adulthood was quite a bit harder, and there were lots of bad times, but let me tell you, I would have to say that the past quarter century--since I met and started dating my future wife--have been my happiest years as an adult, bar none.

And my kids … yes, they do give you gray hairs--not for me, since I lost the hair on my head years ago, but I think you get what I mean--but they also keep you young, and they are the living legacy of who you were, and who you are.

I am proud of both of them, and I know their futures are good ones.

And my parents … I got lucky, and I mean, really lucky.

My parents are my bedrock, they have helped me out of many situations, and yes, I think I probably taught them a thing or two over the years, as did my sister (seen in my bar mitzvah photo further up in this Rant).

But they taught my sister and I far, far more than we could ever teach them.

They taught us to be human beings, they taught us that family always come first, and they taught us that while life isn't often easy, there is never any reason to give up hope.

They are the youngest octogenarians I have ever known, and I am sure they will retain their sprite, youthful attitude for many, many years to come.

And back to my wife … honestly, I never thought I would ever get married again after my first episode, but my wife is probably the greatest person I have ever known. And I truly mean that. She is everything I ever wanted, and ever could have dreamed of.

Heck, sure, I got lucky with my parents, but with my wife, I got even luckier!

What a great lady she is.

So 60 years have come and gone, seemingly so quickly.

The world I was born into in 1957 is so different today, but I look at myself as sort of the glue that holds that world together, a good mix of the old and the new and yes, maybe even the future.

I do believe in myself, my family, my country and my world.

And yes, I do feel like I am the luckiest man on the face of the earth as I look at my past, present and future.

This weekend, my wife and son are throwing me a birthday party at a local Italian restaurant. It is not going to be a huge gathering, just the people I feel closest to right now--my family and friends--and that is just how I want it.

It should be fun.

I guess you are wondering about why this post was made at an altogether different time of day than my regular posting time, which is around 5 a.m. in the morning or so.

Today, I have taken the day off from work so I can fully appreciate my special day. I haven't taken my actual birthday off in a number of years--some of the past April 28s were actually on the weekend--so I figured that this year I would, and my wife is also home as she took the day off, too, so it makes everything all the more happy for me!

Thus, there are no 4 a.m. wakeup calls for me today.

So happy 60 to me, and I will speak to you again on Monday as I enter my 61st year.

Have a good weekend. I know that I will!

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